.. Antigonus with retrograde inscription (GBC 1164 - TJC 40/40a/40b) .. 202 specimens listed . THE 3 BEST SPECIMENS
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"The inscription of this type is always retrograde" (Y. Meshorer, AJC Vol. 1 p. 159) I. Goldstein suggests the reason for the retrograde, as follows: "This inscription style has isolated the letters of G-d's name on the second line. The letters thus arranged in proper form are forbidden to be struck on a mundane object such as a coin".
... 1. Obverse dies . REGULAR ISSUES . Die O1 Connected to R1
Connected to R2
. Die O2 Connected to R2
Connected to R3
Connected to R4
. Die O3 Connected to R5
Connected to R6
Connected to R7
Connected to R8
Connected to R9
. Die O4 Connected to R9
Connected to R10
Connected to R11
. Die O5 Connected to R12
Connected to R13
Connected to R14
Connected to R15
. Die O6 Connected to R16
. Die O7 Connected to R17
. Die O8: 2nd line: Yodh is quasi-vertical (type 1) Connected to R18
Connected to R19
Connected to R20
Connected to R21
. Die O9 Connected to R22
. Die O10 Connected to R23
... Die O11 Connected to R24
Connected to R25
. Die O12 Connected to R26
. Die O13 Connected to R27
Connected to R28
. Die O14 Connected to R29
............ Die O15 Connected to R30
Connected to R31
. Die O16 Connected to R32
.... Die O17: 2nd line: the letter He is very small (no space enough) Connected to R33
...... Die O18 Connected to R34
. Die O19 Connected to R35
Connected to R36
. Die O20 Connected to R37
. Die O21 Connected to R38
. Die O22 Connected to R39
. Die O23 Connected to R40
. Die O24 Connected to R41
. Die O25 Connected to R42
. Die O26 Connected to R42
Oa: Yodh & He are combined into a monogram resembling to
a Aleph (type 1):
Connected to reverse A
Connected to reverse B
Connected to reverse C
Connected to reverse D
Connected to reverse E
Ob: Variety: Yodh & He are combined into a monogram resembling to
a Aleph (type 2):
All are connected to the same reverse
. Die Oc: Variety: He is missing: Only Yodh on the 2nd line All are connected to the same reverse
.. Die Od
.. Die Oe
.. Die Of: Variety: On the 1st line, one of the 2 letters Tau (like a "X") is missing Connected to Ra:
Connected to: Rb .. - - - - - . I also found the following specimens. But they are in too poor condition or too partial to be classified.
..... I also found the following pictures but they are deformed: