Founded by JP Fontanille . - - - - - - - HER 12: Herod the Great, struck c. 23 BCE, prutah - 56 specimens listed - See plates 71-72 in the book The Coins of Herod - - - - - - - . THE 3 FINEST SPECIMENS
. ....
.. 1. OBVERSE DIES . SERIES A (Obverse dies also used for striking Type 13)
Composite picture: Connected to R1
Connected to R2
Connected to R5
Connected to R3
Connected to R6
O1 is also connected to a reverse die depicting a single palm branch (H496) .. .. Die O2 Connected to R6
Connected to R7
Connected to R2
. .. O2 is also connected to a reverse die depicting a single palm branch (H496) ....
.Die O3 Connected to R7
Connected to R3
O3 is also connected to a reverse die depicting a single palm branch (H496)
. . Die O4: The tripod's top is flat Connected to R3
..... O4 is also connected to a reverse die depicting a single palm branch (H496) . .. Die O5: Crude die with no ground under the tripod Connected to R8
Connected to R2
O5 is also connected to two reverse dies depicting a single palm branch (H496)
. SERIES B (Obverse dies not used for striking Type 13) .. Die O6: Very similar to O5 (crude die with no ground under the tripod) Connected to R9
.. Die O7 Connected to R4
. Die O8 Connected to R3
. Die O9 Connected to R3
.. Die O10: The inscription is inversed: "BACIA(...)" is in the left area. Connected to R2
. Uncertain dies:
..... .. 2. REVERSE DIES .
The leaves of the branches are very faint on this die. Composite picture: Connected to O1
Short leaves. Composite picture: Connected to O1
Connected to O2
Connected to O5
Connected to O10
R3: Composite picture: Connected to O8
Connected to O9
Connected to:
O1 ....
Variety: No leaves at the bottom of the branches. Composite
picture: Connected to O7
. Die R5 Connected to O1
.. Die R6 Connected to O2
Connected to O1
... Die R7 Connected to O3
Connected to O2
.. Die R8: Crude imitation of R9 Connected to O5
.... Die R9 Connected to O6